In the past decade+ operating various web hosting businesses, we have had the privilege of encountering and solving all kinds of website issues caused by a multitude of issues.
Some have been as simple as being overdue on a domain invoice, while there have been the more complex situations where client sites got hacked (mostly via outdated or nulled scripts) without a backup meaning care had to be taken to go over hundreds of pages separating malicious from legitimate code.
Our mission is helping business owners maximize their investment in tech and always get a positive ROI and as such, we decided to create this section, talking about various problems clients have had with their websites and how we fixed these issues.
For a busy business website, even 1 minute of downtime is a huge opportunity cost and we hope that by publishing this series, business owners around the world would be able to get clearer insight on what is wrong with their websites and reduce downtime to the barest.
Hope this helps someone out there!