HTML Website to Wordpress Theme

Creating a Wordpress theme from scratch so the branding of the Blog would be consistent with the rest of the website.


Conversion of plain HTML Website to Wordress Theme


This was an inhouse project which we carried out for this website.
We needed to add a Blog to our website to regularly publish helpful information for clients and prospects but because we built our website in plain html, we could either code the blog or use a content management system.
We went with Wordpress to save time on deployment and also prevent technical debt.

Project Info

client: Target ICT Limited.

Location: Leicester, United Kingdom.

Service: HTML to Wordpress Conversion

Delivered: January, 2019

Technology we used

  • html5

  • css

  • javascript

  • php

  • wordpress

The Process

With the growing popularity of Wordpress this is a service we have rendered multiple times.
Clients get Websites built in HTML for them and over time they realise they actually want to regularly add new content and not have to call in a developer to do that.
Carrying out this conversion involves understanding and taking inventory of the codebase and all dependencies for styling and interactions.

The Solution

After understanding the structure of the initial HTML website, it is then sliced and relevant parts converted to the Wordpress PHP format.
The stylesheet is then created using only relevant styling rules as well as all javascript and font files with everything being put in relevant folders.
We built a fully functional clone of the website in Wordpress with all styling and interactions preserved mmaking it almost impossible for anyone browsing to know they had left the HTML version for Wordpress.
The Website is built to be search engine friendly and in accordance with latest standards.

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